Meditation and Mindfulness Workshops

Our meditation and mindfulness workshops are designed to give you the skills to create a practical meditation practice that is unique to you.  We will present you with a range of different meditation methods so you are able to create a meditation practice that will remain practical and flexible as your life ebbs and flows.

Our workshops include:

  • Theory – How does meditation work? Why does it work?
  • Techniques – Putting the theory in to practice
  • Mindfulness and Meditation practices – Learn how to use both of these techniques during your day
  • Thoughts and Emotions – how to meditate with them, rather than against them
  • Developing a home practice – We will help you develop a personalised home-practice through discussion  and examples

Our workshops draw from our extensive experience, as well as the experience of others so we can ensure that we are able to teach the most comprehensive range of meditation techniques.

We make sure we draw from the real-life experiences.  At the heart of all that we do is the realisation that we need to fit a meditation and mindfulness practice in to a busy life.  We know this is easier said than done.  Meditation and mindfulness practices seem at odds with the pace of life we lead.  We always ensure our suggestions are practical and supportive.

Upcoming Workshops

14th August, 2016, 1pm – 4pm

@ Yoga Co.

640A Frankston – Flinders Road, Baxter,  3911

Workshop Pass


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Meditation and Mindfulness Courses

Our meditation and mindfulness courses are just like the workshops, just spread out over 4 weeks. They are  designed to give you the skills to create a practical meditation practice that is unique to you.  We will present you with a range of different meditation methods so you are able to create a meditation practice that will remain practical and flexible as your life ebbs and flows.

Our courses include:

  • Theory – How does meditation work? Why does it work?
  • Techniques – Putting the theory in to practice
  • Mindfulness and Meditation practices – Learn how to use both of these techniques during your day
  • Thoughts and Emotions – how to meditate with them, rather than against them
  • Developing a home practice – We will help you develop a personalised home-practice through discussion  and homework.

Our workshops draw from our extensive experience, as well as the experience of others so we can ensure that we are able to teach the most comprehensive range of meditation techniques.


Coming Soon!